Tuesday 11 December 2007

Give Shopkeepers A Gift This Christmas

So, it's that time of year again. The shops are packed and busy, open longer and considerably less pleasant places to be, no matter which side of the till you're standing.
We all know how stressful Christmas shopping can be, but for many shopkeepers its nothing short of hellish. A long, grinding event that sucks away any trace of festive cheer and goodwill.

So I say spare a thought for the guy behind the till this year. The guy who's had it shoved down his throat since the start of november. The guy who's had to listen to those irritating Christmas songs at least nine hours a day, every day for the past month.

I say give him or her a gift. A small gift, that doesn't cost you a penny. This year, don't bitch and complain because he doesn't have what you want, or because you've been in a queue for a long time. Just give him or her a nice smile, a please and a thank you, and be about your business nice and quickly. Don't waste time nitpicking over details you know don't matter, especially when the shop is busy. Just leave him be. Remember that you'll be home and comfortable in an hour or two, but he's still got the rest of the day, then all day tomorrow, and the day after. He'll probably be working Christmas Eve, or Boxing Day, or both. Take some pity and be nice, even if it's just for the rest of the year. Make a shopkeeper's life a bit easier, even if it's only for a couple of minutes.

This isn't a personal request. Yes, I hate Christmas in shops too, but frankly my place isn't where you'd really go to buy gifts. But I have been there before, and know the pain of those poor souls trapped in those busy Christmas hellholes.

Remember, just a smile, good manners and an absence of time wasting. Make someone's Christmas a little happier for a few seconds.

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